Trump Administration
Trump Officials Want to Veto UN Measure Opposing Rape as Weapon of War
The U.S. is reportedly opposing the resolution over language on reproductive health for survivors of rape.
Amid Trump’s Attacks, Planned Parenthood Broadens Health Care Focus
The organization's national leadership is working to identify the health programs that could be expanded.
Trump Wants to End Regulation That Cut Mercury Pollution by 81 Percent
We have until April 17 to submit a public comment to the EPA against this misguided and dangerous rule change.
Locking Up Drug “Dealers” to Save Users Doesn’t Make Anyone Safer
For a real solution, we must first address the economic conditions that drive people into illicit economies.
Trump Puts Iran in His Crosshairs as Yemen Bleeds
Trump is provoking Iran as Congress reasserts its war authority.
Important Medicaid Initiatives Would End If Court Overturns ACA
In addition to eliminating the Medicaid expansion, the decision would put other Medicaid initiatives in danger.
Cuts to Food Stamps Will Disproportionately Harm LGBTQ People
My Black, lesbian mother depended on food stamps because her low-income wages were not enough.
Trump-Appointed Board Proposes Major Blow to Air and Rail Unions
A new rule making it easier for air and rail unions to be decertified smells suspiciously like retaliation.
Big Pharma Is Running an Elaborate Shell Game — and Lives Are at Stake
Big Pharma’s gambit to deflect attention and blame is dishonest and inaccurate.
With Trillions in Safety Net Cuts, Trump Budget Is a New Level of Cruelty
Trump’s proposal displays his commitment to enriching the wealthy at the expense of ordinary Americans.