Trump Administration
Four More Years of Donald Trump Could Delay Global Emissions Cuts by 10 Years
Trump’s call to step back from international climate action endangers any prospect of hitting global emissions targets.
House Dems Demand Trump Admin Stop Rushing Deportations of Migrant Children
Democratic congressional leaders expressed alarm at the sudden acceleration.
Trump and GOP Want COVID-19 Protections for Bosses — But Not Workers
Republicans want legal protections for employers as safety enforcement tumbles under President Trump.
Trump’s “Blame China” Strategy Echoes Bush’s Targeting of Iraq
In shifting attention from its own bungling of the COVID-19 crisis, the U.S. is raising tensions with China.
Trump Is Willing to Let Boosted Unemployment Expire for 36 Million Out of Work
President Trump told GOP senators on Tuesday that he is willing to let expanded unemployment expire at the end of July.
Trump’s HHS Secretary Accidentally Admits Racism Is Driving COVID Policy
Alex Azar's comments were hateful -- and honest, exposing the racist logic behind the entire Trump movement.
Trump Sends Letter Threatening Permanent Freeze of US Funding to WHO
Much of Trump's critique of WHO's handling of the pandemic applies to the White House's handling of the crisis.
House Democrats Demand State Dept. Reveal “Secret Plan” to Slash Social Security
An internal department plan reportedly proposes giving Americans direct COVID relief payments in exchange for the cuts.
Big Oil Takes $1.9 Billion in CARES Act Tax Breaks Intended for Small Businesses
Coronavirus relief legislation has virtually rescued climate-killing industries.
Exploiting Pandemic, Trump Admin Weighs Banning Immigration Indefinitely
Trump's team has decided to lock down the country in a way that even the most nativist policies of the 1920s never did.