Alternatives to School Cuts
Massive budget cuts across Chicago have the potential to cripple any chance of equal education in low income areas.
The Dues and Don’ts of Union Dues
Though no one loves paying taxes - or dues - both are vital to the survival of our democracy.
The Trade Deal Scam
Dean Baker: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and a US-EU deal are not intended to boost the economy.
A Window on the Rightwing
The story of how Lawrence Davidson's vacation became a cruise into the mind of right wing Americans.
Sweetheart Deferred Prosecution Deals for Swiss Banks in the Works
Former chief economist at McKinsey & Co., James Henry, says it's time for the Justice Department to bring down the hammer on tax evasion.
It’s Time to Hit the Reset Button on the Fiscal Debate
Its seems we are stuck in 2010 as economic policy makers have not made the effort to change with the times.
A Better Way to Tax the Multinationals
Tax corporations where they sell, instead of where they claim profits.
It’s Not Just One Bad “Apple“
Two charts show that beyond Apple there are plenty more American companies that continue to increase their offshore holdings.
How Did the IRS Get Investigatory Authority, Anyway?
Compared to the very serious IRS scandals of the past, it's difficult to see the current one as ‘alarming.’
Economic Update: Measuring Capitalism’s Results
Updates on Google caught evading taxes, food stamp nation, public higher ed crisis.