Warren, Sanders Report Reveals Tax Prep Firms Are Sending Taxpayer Data to Meta
The data of millions of taxpayers has been shared with “stunning disregard for taxpayer privacy,” the report found.
OECD Secretly Lobbied Against Law Requiring Corporations to Disclose Tax Records
The club of wealthy nations strong-armed Australia's government into gutting a bill targeting corporate tax evasion.
World’s Richest Added Average of $14M Per Day to Their Wealth Over Past 6 Months
The 500 richest people on the planet collectively added $852 billion to their fortunes in the first half of 2023.
Sanders Introduces Bill to Make Community College Free by Taxing Wall Street
The College for All Act would be paid for by a tax on Wall Street transactions.
Top 1 Percent Would Get $28B in Tax Cuts Under New Republican Plan
The average member of the 1 percent would save $16,550 under the plan. A person in the bottom 20 percent would save $40.
IRS Cuts in Debt Ceiling Deal Will Cost Over $40 Billion in Lost Revenue
Sheldon Whitehouse, chair of the Senate Budget Committee, pointed out that the cuts will add $19 billion to the deficit.
GOP Tax Cut Plan Would Add $3.5T to Deficit, Congressional Budget Office Finds
If the GOP got its way, trillions would be transferred from the public straight into the pockets of the rich.
“Greatest Wealth Transfer in History” Is Poised to Further Entrench Inequality
A recent New York Times analysis demonstrates that "we are not taxing the very wealthy enough,” said one professor.
A Series of Climate Catastrophes Have Exacerbated the Debt Ceiling Crisis
A barrage of climate-fueled disasters has slowed down federal tax collection just when it's needed most.
Georgia Anti-Abortion Law Adds “Unborn Dependents” to Tax Code
Tax exemption for “fetal personhood” worries reproductive rights activists, who say the law invites unknown risks.