Trump’s Company Is Suing Towns Across the Country to Get Breaks on Taxes
At stake is millions of dollars that communities use to fund roads, schools and police departments.
DC Joins Seven States With Campaigns to Close Carried Interest Loophole
A tax loophole has made obscenely wealthy financial executives even wealthier.
While Workers Get Crumbs, GOP Tax Scam Analysis Details $25 Billion Bonanza for Big Oil
Proposals put forth by Republicans are primarily designed to benefit big businesses.
Dahr Jamail | What Happens to a One-Industry Town When the One Industry Is the Military?
Bases may seem a boon, but cost more than they're worth.
Dean Baker | Are the Trump Tax Cuts Working and Does Anyone Care?
The investment boom exists only in the realm of political propaganda.
Gender Equality Cannot Be Achieved Without Tax Reform for Multinational Companies
The more regressive the tax system, the more the burden of sustaining public policies will fall on the shoulders of women.
How to Reduce Poverty and Inequality Through State Government Taxes
Here is a menu of some of the most promising options.
Employer-Side Payroll Taxes: Cuomo Goes to War Against Republican Tax Plan
The GOP's tax plan was a grab bag of goodies for Republican donors.
Let’s Call the GOP Tax Bill What It Is: the “Tax Cuts for Shareholders Act”
Trump's tax plan should be called the “Tax Cuts for Shareholders” Act.
The GOP’s New Parental Leave Plan Fails Families
If this is their plan, it probably isn't going to help.