Facing Diplomatic Isolation, Syria’s Assad Says He’s Willing to Step Aside
At least 10,000 Syrians have been killed since Assad deployed his army and security services to suppress the anti-government protests.
Syria: No to Intervention, No to Illusions
Like so many other times before, the human cost of this conflict is incalculably high. Itu2019s not surprising that the normal human reaction is u201cweu2019ve got to do something!u201d …
Russia, China Join US in Calling For New Government in Syria
Russia, China Join US in Calling For New Government in Syria
Turkey Says It May Target Any Syrian Forces Nearing Border
Turkey Says It May Target Any Syrian Forces Nearing Border
Houla Massacre Carried Out by Free Syrian Army, According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
A Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung report refutes the official account by the United States and other major powers and presented uncritically by the media. The massacre was attributed to pro-government …
Syrian Rebels Now Using EFPs in Bombs, Bane of US in Iraq
Though they still lack the kind of heavy weaponry that might help them decisively drive back the military, rebels in central Syria are constructing bigger and more effective bombs, …
Protesting Killings, Western Nations Expel Syrian Envoys
The US joined with ten nations to expel top Syrian diplomats, increasing international pressure on President Bashar al-Assad.