
Four Questionable Claims Obama Has Made on NSA Surveillance
Since the first disclosures based on documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, Obama has offered his own defenses of the programs. But not all of the president's …

Chris Hedges | What Obama Really Meant Was…
Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence (if he had told the truth).

Surveillance and Scandal: Time-Tested Weapons for US Global Power
Historian of US surveillance practices, Alfred McCoy, points out that what the NSA has set up, despite the blowback it's now causing, is irresistible to Washington.

Obama NSA Reforms Are “a Bouquet of Roses” to the Intelligence Agencies
Michael Ratner: By portraying NSA surveillance as “patriotic,” President Obama ignores the violations of Americans' constitutional rights.

Mike Lofgren | Gates Agonistes
The political psyops effort by Robert Gates disguised as a tell-all, “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense at War,” proves that spies are inherently suspect people who must …

NSA Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation
Marjorie Cohn of the Thomas Jefferson School of Law discusses two recent decisions on the constitutionality of the National Security Agency's metadata collection program.

Washington State Bill Proposes Criminalizing Help to NSA, Turning Off Resources to Yakima Facility
Washington has become the first state with a physical NSA location to introduce a Fourth Amendment protection act.

Fighting Back Against the NSA’s Dragnet Web: Can Activists Turn the Tide in a Draconian Digital Era?
After a court struck down net neutrality provisions, an online protest follows a critical moment for internet freedom.

The NSA’s Preference for Metadata
The hidden ball in the debate over the NSA's collection of phone and e-mail metadata is that the NSA actually prefers the metadata approach because it strips away privacy …

You Can’t Opt Out: 10 NSA Myths Debunked
Peter Van Buren takes us through the labyrinth of NSA defenses, point by point, showing just what our favorite Constitution-shredders have to say and why it doesn't hold water.