
Mapping Reveals Rising Use of Social Media Monitoring Tools by Cities Nationwide
Local governments and police are using social media monitoring products to probe posts more than ever.

The Chilling Powers That Trump Will Inherit
What will Trump do with his presidential authority and his access to history's most powerful military and its most frightening surveillance apparatus?

How the US Military Spies on Okinawans and Me
Outside is jurisdiction, the US Marine Corps is conducting surveillance of Japanese residents, peace groups and media.

“Our Identity Is Often What’s Triggering Surveillance”
CounterSpin interview with Brandi Collins on Black Lives Matter surveillance.

Anti-Black Surveillance Did Not End With COINTELPRO
Even as the Smithsonian Museum is documenting Black history, the US is continuing its repression of Black life.

RNC and DNC: High Surveillance Used to Crack Down on Dissent
Historically, the RNC and DNC have been times of increased surveillance and policing.

We Don’t Know Much About Clinton’s Proposed “Intelligence Surge,” and That’s a Problem
Clinton's “intelligence surge” appears to be a euphemism for increased surveillance of Muslim Americans.

Henry A. Giroux | The United States’ War on Youth: From Schools to Debtors’ Prisons
US debtors' prisons have become dumping grounds for youth deemed disposable under neoliberalism.

These Three Issues Prove Our Movements Are Way Ahead of Clinton and Trump
Activists are too busy building a better world from the ground up to heed the grand plans of presidential hopefuls.

How Should History Measure the Obama Administration’s Record on Transparency?
Answers exist that contradict the Obama administration's “most transparent ever” claims — but context matters.