
Enforcing Empire Through a Global Surveillance State
Surveillance has historically played in securing US hegemony — a role that has only increased in recent years.

Exploring the Shadows of the US Security State: How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother
When we learn to love Big Brother, the world becomes a more dangerous place.

Trump’s Pick to Head the FBI Wouldn’t Say Whether He’d Spy on Mosques — the Senate Confirmed Him Anyway
Both the FBI and the Trump administration benefit from self-perpetuating Islamophobia.

Trump’s FBI Pick Has a Troubling History on Digital Liberties
Trump's pick to lead the FBI, Christopher Wray, will begin his confirmation process next week.

Israeli Companies Profit From Technology Perfected Over 50 Years of Occupation
Israeli surveillance tools and weapons remain prominent around the world.

California Authorities Are Failing to Track and Prevent Abuse of Police Databases
Police in California have your data literally at their fingertips.

On World Press Freedom Day, Censorship and Repression Reported Globally
Censorship tactics have become more complex, posing new challenges for journalists and non-journalists alike, a new report finds.

Sentenced to Shut Up: To Protect Free Expression, Curb Prison Censorship
Prisons and jails saddle people with senseless restrictions on their ability to speak, write, and receive information.

The Waters of Trump’s Washington Are Dark and Deep
Behind the ostentatious displays of power, the White House tries to keep secret all that's destructive to the nation and democracy.

An Exorcism in Downtown Manhattan
On April 15th at 12 pm, priests, supplicants and a volunteer choir will exorcise the malevolent energy at the AT&T monolith.