Social Media
How $1.8 Billion in Unregulated Digital Ads Could Sway Midterms
GOP resistance to campaign finance rules for digital ads is threatening US democracy.
The Brazilian Truckers’ Strike: How WhatsApp Is Changing the Rules of the Game
What does it mean for the future of mass mobilizing and electoral politics in Brazil?
#DeleteFacebook? Not in Indian Country
The social network has done more for bolstering the modern Indigenous rights agenda than perhaps any other platform of our time.
Facebook’s Algorithm Change: Maintaining the Flow of Information in Dangerous Times
Dodge the corporate filters with more direct dialogue.
Facebook’s Uneven Enforcement of Hate Speech Rules Allows Vile Posts to Stay Up
Facebook's rules supposedly prohibit dehumanization and bullying.
Stop The News, I Want To Get Off
Fixing Facebook and Defending Democracy
Facebook took money from Russian sources to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.
No, Silicon Valley Billionaires Are Not Racial Justice Warriors
The relationship between the technology industry and racism has suddenly come under a rare level of scrutiny.
Journalism Is Dying and Content Marketing Is Taking Its Place (I Know Because I Do Both)
Spin is spin, even when it is written by journalists.
How a Poisonous Profit-Culture Is Keeping Us From Innovating for the Betterment of All
Cutting-edge research should be directed towards achieving a decent standard of living for all instead of however the wealthy please or deem appropriate.