Hundreds Protest Genetically Engineered Eucalyptus Trees in North Carolina
Opponents say the genetically altered trees would turn forests into mono-crop fuel generators.
For Real Economic Recovery, Government Must Stop Favoring Banks Over Homeowners
What can local and federal governments do to resolve the foreclosure crisis for real?
Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical is the New Normal
Feeling anxious about life in a broken economy on a strained planet? Turn despair into action.
In Bangladesh, Workers Escalate Demands for Better Working Conditions
Up to 20,000 people took part in protests Monday, with more than 50 people injured by police intervention.
In Europe, March Against Monsanto Is Latest Rejection of the GMO Giant
An official ban on GM crops is still absent in most EU states, but regions have defined themselves as GMO-free.
Organizing on Both Sides of the Border
Activists around the country are organizing in support of immigrant rights. Martina Molina reports.
Foreclosure Victims Protesting Wall Street Impunity Outside DOJ Arrested, Tasered
Hundreds of foreclosed homeowners and housing rights activists rallied outside the Justice Department on Monday, May 20, to demand that Attorney General Eric Holder prosecute the Wall Street bankers …
Inspiring and Courageous: Popular Resistance Percolates Throughout the Land
Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese report on the justice movements working across the nation.
Undercover: Police Officer Connected to “NATO 5” Case Still Spying on Protest in Chicago
Why keep an undercover officer in play almost a year after the protests that put him into motion as a spy?
Henry A. Giroux | Marching in Chicago: Resisting Rahm Emanuel’s Neoliberal Savagery
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's attempt to close 54 public schools is one more example of a neoliberal system at work.