The Rollback of EPA Clean Car Standards Will Cost You at Least $500 a Year
The plan to roll back regulations will hurt a whole lot more than it'll help.
Fueled by Pollution and Unsound Policies, Toxic Algae Overtake Florida Beaches
Florida Gov. Rick Scott has played a role in weakening regulations that protect water.
Wealth Can’t Protect Environmentally Ravaged Silicon Valley From Climate Change
The tech empire’s power and money are no match for the fierce drought and wildfires exacerbated by urban sprawl.
How the EPA and the Pentagon Downplayed a Growing Toxic Threat
The US government has deliberately withheld reporting on the extent of the contaminants in our drinking water.
Powerful New Yorkers Are Criminalizing Ecuadorians Seeking Relief From Chevron
Chevron has spent more than $2 billion to manipulate the courts into doing its dirty work.
Area of Global Dead Zones Doubling Every 10 Years
Declining oxygen levels in the oceans is killing marine life at alarming rates.
Plastic Tsunamis Threaten Coast in Latin America
The problem is being combated with isolated initiatives.
Pharmaceutical Makers Sending Drug-Spiked Water to Treatment Plants
Water treatment plants near drug makers are getting heavily drugged.
Ohio Gas Well Was Spewing Methane Pollution Three Weeks After Blowout
Blowouts will increase as the oil and gas industry expands.
The Leaked Rule That Could Ban Immigrants Based on Income, Explained by Experts
Trump is taking another swing at immigrants.