What I Don’t Like About Life in the American Police State
To quote Number Six, the character in the British television series The Prisoner: I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my …
Released Occupy Activist Cecily McMillan: “There’s No Sense in Prison“
Released from Rikers prison after serving 58 days, Occupy activist Cecily McMillan discusses prisons, policing and why she'll keep protesting.
Will Supremes Apply Cell Phone Privacy to Metadata Collection?
If the court is consistent in its analysis, it will determine that the collection by the government of all of our electronic records implicates the same privacy concerns as …
William Rivers Pitt | Weaponized Cops and the Future of Freedom
It is hard to avoid the feeling that the tremendous arming of the police is inspired by the fear of unrest looming over the horizon, of rising seas, rising …
“Do What You Gotta Do”: Cop Shows Bolster Idea That Police Violence Works
What is the social impact of cop booster program “Chicago PD”? What audience - and what ends - does it serve?
From “Old Detroit” to Delta City: Robocop’s Dystopia in Detroit
Only a genuinely radical response from the public will be able to counteract the selling of Detroit.
In the War on Drugs, Crime and Terror, We Are All Now Potential SWAT Team Targets
Truthout talks with Radley Balko about how the friendly police officer walking the streets has evolved into the warrior cop.
Act Erratically and the Police Will Shoot You
That is precisely what happened to two men, in two different states, over the past weekend.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: US’s Most Dangerous City Lays Off Its Last Unionized Police Officers, and More
New documents confirm surveillance since 9/11 has spiked dramatically, and more.
Outcry Against Police Union Leader’s Bigotry Makes for Unlikely Alliance of Cops, Occupiers
For the uninitiated, it is almost too fantastic to believe. A police department's union, supremely tone-deaf in a city with a discriminatory history, puts out a newsletter that open-heartedly …