The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized
“Before Palestine had borders it was a recognized nation, its cultural identity distinct, with deep roots in the land,” says Martin.
Berkeley Allows Palestine Course to Be Taught
It is becoming increasingly clear that the dean may not have had the authority to suspend the course at all.
Berkeley Bans a Palestine Class
This decision sends a clear message to the campus: controversial speech will be punished, especially if it is critical of Israel.
Military Detention Is No Way to Treat a Child: Abuses in Palestine
The US has a responsibility to challenge the ill treatment of Palestinian children in Israel's military courts.
“A Continuous War Mentality”: Richard Falk on Israel’s Human Rights Abuses
Asserting that Palestinians are as much to blame as Israelis fosters a distorted picture of relative responsibility.
Palestinian Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley Ask PayPal to Level the Playing Field
Living here in Silicon Valley, it is hard to imagine life in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Beyond Apartheid and Genocide — Justice for the Movement for Black Lives and Palestine
Israel's main success lies in its public relations campaign — conflict is a war for public opinion.
Why Is the US Aligned With Saudi Arabia?
There's more to the US-Saudi cozy relationship than just a common interest in oil, says Medea Benjamin in her new book.
Burkini Bans, New Atheism and State Worship: Noam Chomsky on Religion in Politics
Leading public intellectual and linguist Noam Chomsky shares his views about religion and its link to politics.
Why Solidarity Between the Movement for Black Lives and Palestine Makes Sense
Human rights, not a common identity or history, are at the intersection of the Movements for Black Lives and Palestine.