Imperial Overreach: Forces Driving Pentagon Spending and US Asia-Pacific Military Strategies
A secretly imposed US-Japan military alliance has served as the “keystone” of US power in Asia and the Pacific.
“Liberals”: Partisan or Principled?
After criticizing Bush's militarism, many “liberals” fail to denounce Obama's targeted killing program.
Report: Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Will Cost US $4-6 Trillion Dollars
These wars will be the most expensive conflicts in US history, according to the report.
Armed and Angry about Regulation: Women Gun Owners
Twenty-three percent of US women own firearms.
Next Stop, a Ban on Nuclear Weapons?
A recent international conference could be a strong takeoff point leading to an eventual ban on nuclear weapons.
America’s CEO, Scott Walker: CPAC and the Rebranding of America as a Company Town
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, Scott Walker delivered a postmodern vision for America's future president.
Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War
The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized that vote by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs were responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get …
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Ten Years Later: Counting the Costs of War in Iraq
Ten years later, American troops have officially left Iraq, but the occupation and its effects continue.
Covert Drone Warfare, By the Numbers
Drones have been used to kill thousands - not just in open war zones, but also in covert wars.
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William Rivers Pitt | Waking From My Moral Coma
I am finished with the moral geometry that says this is better than that, which makes this good.