Henry A. Giroux | The Violence of Organized Forgetting
Henry Giroux: A war-like mentality makes it difficult to reclaim the language of social responsibility and civic engagement.
Americans Need to See the Violence of War, Police and Torture
We constantly fail to acknowledge the atrocities of war , street violence, and human rights abuses that our own government is committing.
Egypt’s Military Eyes Return as Unprecedented Millions of Protesters Flood the Streets
Millions of Egyptians took to the streets Sunday demanding that President Mohamed Morsi step down immediately in what one military source called
Egyptian Army Threatens Coup Against President Morsi
As millions take to the street across Egypt calling for President's ouster, the Army threatens to take action if Morsi fails to reach agreement with protestors in 48 hours.
Obama and the Militarization of Africa
Emira Woods Part 2: Under the “war on terror” framework, the US and AFRICOM are beefing up pro-US militaries across Africa.
The Terror Diaspora: The US Military and the Unraveling of Africa
As the war in Afghanistan — a conflict born of blowback — winds down, there will be greater incentive and opportunity to project U.S. military power in Africa.
Obama Expands Militarization of Police
Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns; In fiscal year 2011 alone, the …
Seeking Corporate Accountability for Crimes at Abu Ghraib
The Center for Constitutional Rights is still seeking accountability from those alleged to have tortured at Abu Ghraib.
Dance on Thatcher’s Grave, but Remember, There Has Been a Coup in Britain
John Pilger: In the wake of Thatcher's departure, I remember her victims, like the ailing five-year-old girl who was denied public support because of her father's ties to a …
April 25: A Historic Day to Cut the Bloated Pentagon Budget
Thursday, April 25, is the new date to participate in citizen efforts to oppose proposed cuts to Social Security and veterans benefits and support cuts to the bloated Pentagon …