The Big Dick School of US Patriotism: And What We Make of It
The eternal emphasis on militarism has the effect of ratcheting up anxiety.
Putting People Ahead of Defense Contractor Profits
The US is exceptional ... when it comes to war profiteering.
Can the Violence in Honduras Be Stopped?
Community development, not militarization, is the answer.
ROTC Brings the Military Home to CUNY
Kicked off campuses in the Northeast in the '60s, ROTC is back appealing to the most vulnerable students.
Russians Invade Afghanistan (Again!), Chinese Fight Iraq War (Again!): What If It Weren’t Us?
Imagine that there's another superpower somewhere that launched two major wars in the Middle East.
Seven Ways the Military Wastes Our Money
Hint: none of them have anything to do with national defense.
School of the Americas Morphs Into US Training Industrial Complex
Activists still demand closure of the School of Americas 25 years after a Jesuit priest massacre.
Redefining “Imminent”
Our government has long taken bold advantage of the willingness to support lavish spending on armaments and to accept civilian casualties in military adventures abroad and depletion of domestic …
Resisting US Bases in Okinawa
Despite intense crackdowns, activists on the Japanese island of Okinawa continue to resist the construction of new US military bases.
How Much Moral High Ground Does the US Have Over ISIS?
The United States' war on sexual violence, mass murder and religious persecution should begin at home.