
Rachel Maddow | Republicans Veer Right Alienating Party Moderates (2)
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Heartland Institute: A Manifestation of the Kochtopus Empire
(Photo: Eric Thayer / The New York Times) It is nearly impossible to discuss the vast climate change denial echo chamber and not mention the Koch Brothers, …

The Opposite of Snobbery
Say what you will about this era's Republican presidential candidates; they at least have chutzpah. Millionaire blue-blood George W. Bush pretended to be a down-home cowboy. Two-time divorcee and …

Gordon Gekko Repents: Greed Is Bad
As critical as we’ve been of the government’s failure to prosecute those in the financial world who done us wrong, it’s only fair to acknowledge our nation’s G-men when …

Who Stole the American Dream in Broad Daylight?
(Image: Connecting the Dots Productions) Mark Karlin: What role did the book “Global Class War” (2006) play in your formulation of the film?

Landing on Mars: A First Impression of Guantanamo Bay
The entrance of the prison at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on June 8, 2010. (Photo: Richard Perry / The New York Times) One pair …

Despite Cantor’s “Zero Tolerance” Policy, More Than Ten GOP Congressmen Embroiled in Ethics Scandals
A growing number of ethics questions and investigations are mounting for the Republican House majority, despite earlier leadership pledges of ethical purity. In 2010, Rep. Eric Cantor …

US Sees Iran Attacks as Likely if Israel Strikes
Aircraft ordnance mechanics download weapons for an electrical check aboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis in the North Arabian Sea, January 4, 2012. (Photo: Tyler Hicks / …

Romney Wins GOP Primaries in Michigan and Arizona
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, greets supporters during his primary night rally in Novi, Michigan, February 28, 2012. Romney has won the …