Iraq War
Petraeus Rising: Managing the “War of Perceptions” in Iraq
Petraeus took command in Iraq in 2007 with misgivings, but soon found a way to turn it to his advantage.
Syrian Rebels Now Using EFPs in Bombs, Bane of US in Iraq
Though they still lack the kind of heavy weaponry that might help them decisively drive back the military, rebels in central Syria are constructing bigger and more effective bombs, …
Iraq War Lessons Learned? Keep Rumsfeld Away From All Things Defense
The roots of how the military ended up with this expensive but broken logistics disaster can be placed directly on Rumsfeld and his build up before the war.
The Greatest Greatness of George W. Bush
George W. Bush's greatness will be defined by how we rise to overcome and undo what he has done.
Please Don’t Make My Grandchildren Pay for the War That Killed Their Father
Do you believe this additional money will be spent on the troops? Do you think the troops will get what they need?
The War is Lost
Every reason to go to Iraq has failed to retain even a semblance of credibility.
We Caught The Wrong Guy
The unifying thread binding Saddam Hussein and the soldiers who captured him is the pay they've received from the U.S.
It has become agonizingly clear that the Bush administration lied in order to galvanize the American people behind war.