Iraq War
Is Hillary Clinton a Neocon-Lite?
The prospect of a President Hillary Clinton could represent a step back from some of President Barack Obama's more innovative foreign policy strategies.
John Pilger | The Accessories to War Crimes Are Those Paid To Keep the Record Straight
John Pilger: The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq cannot be “countered” indefinitely.
Violence in Fallujah: Poisoned Fruit of US Occupation?
Contrary to conventional wisdom, US actions in Fallujah during - and even before - the Iraq War probably played a role in bringing the latest eruption of violence to …
Would as Many as 1 Million Be Alive if the Media Had Done Its Job
John Pilger: "Imagine if the lies of governments had been properly challenged and exposed as they secretly prepared to invade Iraq - perhaps a million people would be alive …
Cop’s History an Issue in Toy-Gun Slaying
A Sonoma County Deputy Sheriff, who shot and killed a popular Latino eighth-grader holding a toy gun, has a history of overreaction that dates back years.
Are We Depending Too Much on the Military’s Media Management?
The Pentagon has spent billions to manage media coverage of the war in Iraq but is imprisoning the one person who made the truth public.
The Wisdom of Donald Rumsfeld: Determining Whether to Wage War in Syria
The purpose of this epistemological exercise is to determine, whether I would support or oppose another war in the Middle East.
Does PTSD Eligibility Demean the Purple Heart?
In May, 2008, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates was asked at a news conference whether he would support awarding the Purple Heart Medal to combat Veterans afflicted with Post …
The Trials of Bradley Manning
It is Bradley Manning we have put on trial, not the impresarios of war, not the CIA torturers or their lawyers.
A Foot Soldier Throws Down His Gun
Brandon Toy, an Iraq War veteran and a mid-level project manager at General Dynamics, concluded that what he had done and was doing went against the best principles of …