Indigenous Peoples
Tribe Uneasy About Border Surveillance Plans on Their Land
Tensions are high on the Tohono O'odham Nation, where Border Patrol has proposed high-tech surveillance towers.
Canada’s Indigenous Suicide Rate Linked to Apartheid System
Preventing suicide among Indigenous peoples would involve improving the living conditions in their communities.
The Spirit of Standing Rock on the Move
Standing Rock's Native-led, youth-driven expertise is extending outward to help other communities protect their land and resources.
Amazon Deforestation Rises as Government Moves to Weaken Indigenous Protections
Critics warn the country now risks sliding back after years of progress on climate and environment.
Indigenous Erasure in Plain Sight: Place Names in New England
Despite the desecration of place names throughout most of New England, some advancements in recent decades leave room for hope.
Laying the Ground for Resistance to Trump on Day One
There is fear, but also hope, in the hearts of the organizers who are fighting Trump's oppressive agenda.
Moro and Indigenous Peoples Forge Historic Alliance for Self-Determination
The formation of the Sandugo Alliance marks a milestone in the political history of the Philippines.
The End of a People: Amazon Dam Destroys Sacred Munduruku “Heaven“
Brazil dynamited an indigenous sacred site to make way for Teles Pires dam.
The Rights of Nature: Indigenous Philosophies Reframing Law
In Ecuador, Bolivia and New Zealand, indigenous activism has helped spur the creation of a novel legal phenomenon — the idea that nature itself can have rights.
Utah’s New National Monument Marks Big Win for the Protection of Indigenous Cultural Sites
By protecting an area rich in indigenous cultural history, Obama has shown that some things are worth more than money.