Indigenous Peoples
For Native Mothers, a Way to Give Birth That Overcomes Trauma
A birthing center opening next year in New Mexico will provide a safe place for women to heal through their traditions.
Competition for the Guaranà Aquifer Threatens Indigenous Land Rights
If the company practices what it preaches, it needs to get out of Guarani lands and waters.
Dakota Access Oil Starts Flowing on Day of Trump’s Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord
The manufacturer of the pipeline said Thursday morning that the vessel is now “in commercial service.”
As Trump Ignores Climate Change, Seas Threaten to Swallow Alaskan Villages
The rapidly warming Arctic means that dozens of villages inhabited by Alaskan native peoples need to relocate — but the money isn't there.
Dismantling Colonial Rule From Palestine to All of America
Steven Salaita explains the basis for making the link between colonialism and decolonial struggle in America and Palestine.
Settler State Repression: Standing Rock Battles Continue in the Courts
Standing Rock is one modern example of the repressive policing that has long been deployed against Indigenous peoples.
Indigenous Groups, Amazon’s Best Land Stewards, Under Federal Attack
Brazil's Temer government, backed by the agribusiness lobby, seems determined to reduce Indigenous rights and end recognition of new Indigenous territories.
Arctic Indigenous Peoples Are Leading the Way in Ecological Restoration and Climate Resilience
A new study has recognized the crucial role Arctic Indigenous Peoples play in ecological restoration efforts.
There Are No “Throwaway Women”: Black and Indigenous Women Disrupt Violence
How one community is undoing the silence around the violence women of color face.
The Legend of Buddy Red Bow: How a Lakota Country Singer Echoed the Soul of the Great Plains
Buddy Red Bow's music continues to resonate deeply.