The United States’ Continuing Border Crisis: The Real Story Behind the “Invasion” of the Children
Immigrant rights organizations should be criticizing both Republicans and Democrats for their policies in Central America.
Life for Child Migrants Is Even Harder Beyond the US Border
The need for support services is great, but their availability is sparse.
The Central American Child Migrant Crisis and Neoliberalism
The child migrant crisis is a direct consequence of our dominant economic mode of production, which creates the conditions for periodic crises many are often unable to understand or …
Undocumented Mothers in the US Are Often Vulnerable, Ignored and Misunderstood
Undocumented women face challenges with employment, health care, high rates of domestic violence and psychological trauma.
New Family Detention Centers Hold Immigrant Women and Children Without Bond as Asylum Claims Pend
The Obama administration has opened two new family detention centers to hold hundreds of women and children from Central America who fled to the United States reportedly to escape …
CAFTA Kids: Teamsters Legislative Representative Links Trade Deal to Children Seeking Refugee from Violence
Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa predicted CAFTA would screw workers in the US and in Central America, just as NAFTA did in the US and Mexico. He was right.
As Migrant Children Face Backlash, Communities Mobilize to Drown Out Hate
The hateful taunts of counter protesters were drowned out by songs of freedom resonating high toward the skyscrapers in Manhatten this June.
Time to Stop Criminalizing Immigrants
Last week US authorities began to place ankle bracelets on a few newly arrived immigrants. This represents a continuation of the criminalization and punishment of immigrants. The root causes …
Why Waiting Your Turn in Line Doesn’t Make Sense for Desperate Immigrant Families
Whenever the issue of immigration comes up in Congress, lawmakers point to “the line.” Just get in line, wait your turn! This magical, invisible line encapsulates an enduring myth …
Truthout Interviews Featuring Bethania Palma Markus on Migrants and Corporate Exploitation
Bethania Palma Markus talks with Ted Asregadoo about the spike in borderland deaths among migrants and corporate exploitation of migrant groups in detention centers.