Health Care
Warren’s New Proposal for Prescription Drugs Is Flying Under the Radar
Ending patent monopolies on prescription drugs would immediately bring down health care costs.
Big Pharma Keeps Bankrolling House GOP’s Dark Money Organization
American Action Network is spearheading the fight against the guarantee of health care for all.
Nursing Home Safety Violations Endanger Residents in California
The threat is not theoretical in a state that has been ravaged by earthquakes and wildfires.
Medicaid Tweak Might Offer Means to Improve US Reproductive Health
The U.S. is one of only three countries where deaths related to pregnancy and birth are on the rise.
Overturning the ACA Would Be a Massive Tax Cut for the Wealthy
A federal appeals court will soon rule on a challenge to the ACA from 18 GOP-led states and the Trump administration.
Medical Care for Trans Women in Illinois Prisons Is Cruel and Unusual Punishment
After over a decade of torture and being denied the medical care she seeks, Janiah Monroe is suing Illinois prisons.
Patients Eligible for Charity Care Instead Get Big Bills
Nonprofit hospitals admit they sent $2.7 billion in bills over the course of a year.
Trump “Wellness” Programs Gut Protections for Those With Pre-Existing Conditions
The proposal is the latest example of the Trump administration encouraging states to take steps to undermine the ACA.
Religious Corporations Are Interfering in Doctor-Patient Relationships
Faith-based health facilities are increasingly imposing their biases on the medical decision-making process.
Pink Ribbon Awareness Campaigns Will Never Deliver Public Health
Many disease awareness campaigns ignore key issues like health care access and environmental health hazards.