The Senate’s Popular Sentencing Reform Bill Would Sort Prisoners by “Risk Score“
Federal prisoners would be scored according to their risk of recidivating. Those who got high scores would be ineligible for sentence reduction.
Will Trump and Charter Schools Be Another Scam? Just Look at Pal Carl Icahn’s School “Charity“
Self-serving deals, like Icahn's, are not an outlier in the scandal-plagued charter school industry.
What’s Really Happening to the Humanities Under Neoliberalism?
An emphasis on “employable” academic majors is resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy in which learning is devalued.
The Emancipation of the Minority Academic
There was a Black woman on my computer screen, not slinking into the back of a college classroom, but with her shoulders squared for millions of viewers.
Goldman Sachs Just Ate Denmark for Breakfast
Goldman Sachs stands to make a huge profit from the purchase of 19% of Denmark's national energy company, Dong Energy.
Closing in on an EU Financial Tax Victory
The international campaign for taxes on financial speculation is on the brink of a major European milestone that could further boost momentum in the United States.
California’s Prison System Co-opts Reform Language While Increasing Its Budget
With moderate bipartisan support and the rebranding of human cages, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is able to monopolize resources.
Students With Nowhere to Stay: Homelessness on College Campuses
Some US colleges have programs to meet the needs of homeless students, but many schools still lack comprehensive services.
CUNY Professors and Staff Consider Future Strike to Defend Public Education Funding
New York City's public university system employees have turned to confrontational tactics to obtain a long overdue contract.
How One Missouri School District Took on Poverty and a Tornado
The challenges that Joplin faces limit the futures of millions of students in rural, suburban, and inner-city school districts.