Drinking Water

EPA’s Plan to Regulate Contaminants in Drinking Water Is Not Enough
The plan focuses on problems at existing contaminated sites, not on keeping these chemicals out of water supplies.

US Military Fuel Tanks Threaten Aquifer in Hawaii
Concerned citizens on the island of Oahu have for decades been trying to get the US Navy to remove the tanks.

The World Is on the Brink of Widespread Water Wars
In some places conflict is practically guaranteed, according to one study.

How the EPA and the Pentagon Downplayed a Growing Toxic Threat
The US government has deliberately withheld reporting on the extent of the contaminants in our drinking water.

Pharmaceutical Makers Sending Drug-Spiked Water to Treatment Plants
Water treatment plants near drug makers are getting heavily drugged.

Under Trump’s Orders, EPA Considers Gutting Lead Rules Even as Water in Schools Tests Positive
In the face of dire warnings about the dangers of lead from pediatricians, Trump's EPA is looking to gut standards.

America’s Toxic Prisons: The Environmental Injustices of Mass Incarceration
U.S. prisons may be largely hidden from sight, but their environmental toxicity spreads far beyond their walls.

Clean Water Is a Basic Human Right, and We Can and Should Make It Affordable to Everyone
As we invest in our public water systems — and we must — we need to distribute costs equitably.

EPA Considers Gutting Regulations on Lead Contamination
East Chicago residents have been waiting weeks for Pruitt to respond to their emergency petition for federal aid.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Sues Towns for Trying to Protect Their Environment
In 2016, chemicals detected in the state's drinking water prompted a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing.