Department of Justice

Holder’s Final Betraying Kiss to the People of Ferguson: The Wholesale Abandonment of Decency
All week the DOJ has been floating trial balloons throughout the media that former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will not be brought up on any charges for his …

Amid Justice Department Investigations, Protesters Call Out Cleveland Police Murders
As national protests continue, activists and concerned residents in Cleveland are calling for police accountability.

Watchdog Group Files DOJ Complaint Against Dallas Police, Alleging Racial Pattern of Excessive Force
The group claims Dallas police have participated in a pattern of excessive deadly force against Black and Latino people.

Racist Policing in the De Blasio Era: Bill Bratton’s Crusade to Save a Dying Brand
Is New York City Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton maintaining a debunked policing philosophy for personal financial gain?

Attorney General Holder Requires Recording of Interrogations, Unlike New York City
A new Department of Justice policy says federal agents must record interrogations, as a way to protect against coercion and false confessions.

Eric Holder Pledges to Prosecute Banks – Believe Him?
Watch out, banks that engage in criminal activity (aka just about every large bank): Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are coming for you!

The DOJ Wants to Hack Your Webcam
A group of lawyers and academics recently prepared for a dramatic expansion of the rules for when law enforcement is allowed to hack people's computers.

Defining the Real Terrorism
A new definition of terrorism - one that better addresses the crimes of these times - is required.

NC Passes Voter Suppression Measures as DOJ Moves to Protect Voting Rights in TX
North Carolina moves the first of many voter restriction laws made possible by SCOTUS' dismantling of the Voting Rights Act.

“There Is a Trayvon in Every Town”: Rev. Jesse Jackson and Florida Youth Activist Demand Justice
Civil rights groups are calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.