
Pandemic Response Inherited From Trump Was “More Dire” Than Biden Thought
Biden says that the previous administration indicated there was a lot more vaccine available than there actually was.

Immigrants Shouldn’t Have to Sacrifice Themselves to COVID for Basic Rights
Let’s push for immediate amnesty and path to citizenship for all immigrants, whether or not they are deemed “essential.”

In the Absence of COVID Safety Plans, Teachers Are Resigning and Retiring Early
An unprecedented number of teachers and other school employees are leaving the field because of fears about COVID.

Congress Is Investigating the Meatpacking Industry’s Failure to Protect Workers
More than 50,000 meatpacking workers have been infected and at least 250 have died from COVID-19.

Sanders Slams Democrats Who Want to Further Limit Eligibility for Relief Checks
Sen. Bernie Sanders warned Democrats against adopting narrower eligibility restrictions for direct relief.

States Are Poised to Cut Mental Health Care Despite Rising Demand Under COVID
States like Montana may respond to revenue shortfalls with cuts that further exacerbate a growing mental health crisis.

Struggling Cities and States Shouldn’t Pay the Price for Federal Bipartisanship
Sometimes the middle proves to be inadequate to the needs of the moment.

Loosening Restrictions as New COVID Variants Spread Could Lead to New Surge
Health experts say that opening indoor dining and other activities could undo efforts to control the pandemic.

Biden Aims for US to Produce Millions of At-Home COVID Tests by End of Summer
The Biden administration will use the Defense Production Act to accelerate production of tests, gloves and vaccines.

Military Metaphors in Health Care Are Harmful — Especially During the Pandemic
We must reimagine health and healing in a way that doesn’t label our oppressors “humanitarians.”