
Adjunct and Tenured Faculty Must Unite to Resist Pandemic Opportunism on Campus
Administrators are still using COVID to justify the neoliberal gutting of higher education. Let’s resist together.

Andrew Giuliani Can’t Attend GOP Gubernatorial Debate Due to Being Unvaccinated
The son of the former New York City mayor claims “natural immunity” should be enough to let him participate in person.

WTO Draft Text Has Abandoned COVID Patent Waiver, Critics Say
A World Trade Organization conference kicked off in Geneva on Sunday amid demonstrations in support of the TRIPS waiver.

I’ve Been in School Mental Health for 10 Years. My Heart Is Breaking Right Now.
As a school-based social worker, I see COVID’s heavy toll. Social workers can’t fix this alone. We need systemic change.

State Audit Reveals Florida Undercounted COVID Deaths by Thousands
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis frequently downplayed the dangers of the coronavirus pandemic.

COVID Is Not Behind Us — It’s Still Sending Children to the Emergency Room
Sick children are the price we pay because we seem to enjoy the arguments more than we can tolerate the solutions.

GOP Wants to Blame Biden for Inflation. What About COVID and Capitalism?
COVID! Come on, you can say it, the monster is still under the bed, no sense pretending otherwise.

Nobel Laureate Calls for Ending Intellectual Property Rules for COVID Vaccines
Wealthy nations “have the resources to narrow the great vaccine gap, if they want to,” Muhammad Yunus wrote.

Boris Johnson Dodged a COVID Reckoning. Now He’s Doubling Down on Deportations.
The Conservatives are turning on refugees at a moment when many British people are welcoming refugees into their homes.

GOP Senator Ron Johnson Used Taxpayer Money for Vacation Travel Expenses
Johnson claimed that the reporting on his spending was “a fully coordinated attack” from the Democratic Party.