Toxic Technology
Apple and other big manufacturers must swap less-deadly chemicals for the cancerous ones poisoning their Chinese workers.
Lessons From James Boggs: Capitalist Automation in the 21st Century
The racist antagonisms in the UAW led James Boggs to revolutionary conclusions about the US capitalist system.
Better than Redistributing Income
Distributing income more equally from the start would avoid the insecurity, social divisiveness and wasted resources of income redistribution.
Eco-Branding the White House on the Eve of Climate Doom
In this grand battle of the titans, Capitalism vs. the Environment, weu2019re in the last round, with the Environment down for the count but still moving.
Global Capitalism, the US Empire and Russian Nationalism
Leo Panitch analyzes the complex relationship between the process of global economic integration and nation state rivalry.
Community Electricity Lights Up Spain
Until recently it was inconceivable for small groups of organized citizens in fully electrified industrialized countries like Spain to generate their own power from clean sources of energy, challenging …
The Era of Financialization
An interview with Costas Lapavitsas on the transformations at the “molecular” level of capitalism that are driving changes in the economies of both wealthy and developing countries.
Hewn in Veins of Blood: Divine Law, Nationalism, and the Hierarchy of Oppression
The question of so-called “illegals,” or undocumented immigrants, is most often settled without ever questioning the purpose of those laws.
Chris Hedges | Capitalism, Not Government Is the Problem
Our corporate masters have set in place laws that, when we rise up, will permit the state to herd us like sheep into military detention camps. Section 1021(b)(2) of …
The World Has Nothing to Fear From the US Losing Power
As China looks set to overtake the US as the world's largest economy, a multipolar world can only be good for democracy.