Naomi Klein on Cause of Climate Crisis: “Capitalism Is Stupid“
In this exclusive interview, Naomi Klein talks about extractivism, activism and the way to change hearts and minds around climate change.
The Growing Cost of iPhones and Advancing Technology
As consumers get ready for the new iPhone 6 coming out this month, the continuous race of technology companies trying to outdo one another continues.
Who Wins in the Financial Casino?
The question is not merely who wins from our current hypertrophied financial system, but who is set up to win no matter what. The answer in this case is …
Giant Corporations Want to Control All of Your Beer
These kings of beer are riding the wave of craft brewing enthusiasm, buying up smaller breweries, and duping customers along the way.
The Troubling Way We Pay Hospitals in Maine and Throughout the US
Money is almost all I hear about when I talk to American doctors and hospital directors.
Socialism and Workers’ Self-Directed Enterprises
Extreme and deepening inequalities have provoked millions to question and challenge capitalism.
OECD Takes Strong Stance on Corporate Tax Avoidance
The OECD recommends international cooperation to prevent large corporations from avoiding taxes in the countries where they do business.
An Open Letter to Humanitarian Interventionists
Calls for US military action in Iraq and Syria in response to the tragic killings of westerners ignore the wider context of instability in the Middle East.
David Harvey and Gar Alperovitz on Cooperation and Capitalism
David Harvey and Gar Alperovitz dig into the failure of capitalism, the hope presented by worker co-ops, and what activists fighting for a just economy must do to get …
The Big Winners From Sweden’s For-Profit “Free” Schools Are Companies, Not Pupils
Since their inception, free schools have been subject to research, primarily concerned with two issues: student attainment and educational inequality.