Interview With Noam Chomsky: Is European Integration Unraveling?
Scholar Noam Chomsky offers his insights on Europe's migration and refugee crisis and the ongoing financial crisis in Greece.
The Sneaky Way Austerity Got Sold to the Public Like Snake Oil
A budget approach cloaked in the aura of science and technical jargon became a tool of manipulation.
Economist Warren Mosler: If the EU Doesn’t Loosen Its Deficit Limits, Greece Should Leave the Euro
Economist and modern monetary theorist Warren Mosler shares what he believes could help lead Greece out of its crisis.
Hedge Funds vs. Greece: Lobbyists Want “Cheap Ticket” to Speculation
The main global lobby group for hedge funds is trying to tweak the EU's rules so they can have a free play in the future.
Economic Update: Austerity’s Social Costs
This episode provides updates on Portugal joining Greece against austerity, and more.
Economic Update: Economic Power Struggles
This episode provides updates on Greek and Portuguese austerity struggles, and more.
Quebec’s Strike Wave Rolls Toward a Showdown
In Montreal, a new round of public-sector strikes begins.
Greece and Creditors at Loggerheads Again; Troika Wants More Foreclosures
European creditors want to extract more blood from a stone - in this case Greece.
Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Greece Isn’t Alone in Struggling Against Austerity
Deborah Berman-Santana speaks about the economic crisis in Puerto Rico, its colonial roots and its similarities to the Greek crisis.
“Democracy No Longer Matters in the EU”: An Analysis of the Greek Election
The prominent political analyst discusses the Greek election results, voter behavior and why the breakaway Popular Unity Party failed to enter parliament.