
Brexit, Racism and the European Blame Game
In the ultimate paradox, it is only from the tragic ashes of Brexit that an EU worthy of its founding ideals can finally be born.

The Iraq War, Brexit and Imperial Blowback
Brexit is the fruit of empire. Britain is reaping what it sowed in its imperial exploits.

We Don’t Need Trump or Brexit to Reject the Credo of Neoliberal Market Inevitability
Revolt against the inevitability of globalized capitalism takes diverse and often desperate forms when “there is no alternative.”

Bill Gates to Fund Huge XPrize to End Austerity in Europe
Austerity is unnecessary because evidence indicates that European governments could easily increase spending without hitting any constraints.

Senate Clears Way for Puerto Rico Bill: “The Ultimate Neocolonialism“
Legislation that would allow the government of Puerto Rico to restructure its debt cleared the final major hurdle before a critical deadline.

After Brexit: Reckoning With Britain’s Racism and Xenophobia
Many who voted to leave the EU did not do so for xenophobic reasons, but the Brexit campaign was nevertheless fought on racist grounds.

Growing Movement to Exit EU: An Interview With Antti Pesonen of Finland’s Independence Party
Former chairman of Finland's Independence Party Antti Pesonen discusses the growing movement in favor of a eurozone exit for Finland.

The Legacy of the Obama Administration: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky lays bare the reasons why Obama's election did not lead to any significant reforms in foreign or economy policy.

Brazil’s New Government Is Already Planning to Balance the Budget on the Backs of the Poor
Brazil's new right-wing government plans to balance the budget by imposing austerity measures on the nation's poor people.

Economist Dimitris Kazakis: Greece Can and Must Leave the Eurozone and EU
Dimitris Kazakis says Greece should depart from the eurozone and European Union, and unilaterally write off its debt.