2020 Election

United, Warren and Sanders Show What a Left-Wing Democratic Party Looks Like
The two senators spent their second debate working in tandem to articulate a vision for a humane future.

CNN Tried to Derail Sanders and Warren Last Night. It Failed.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren mopped the floor with their “centrist” rivals.

The 2020 Candidates Are Ignoring Guantánamo
Perpetual war, Guantánamo and indefinite detention have become permanent features of U.S. foreign policy.

What You Won’t Hear From the Candidates Tonight
The format is more than simply ludicrous and the only reason these debates matter is that they have to.

Wealthy Candidates Pay Their Own Way, But It’s Not an Easy Path to Victory
In Senate races, 21 candidates have already spent at least $10,000 of their own money on their campaigns.

Presidential Debates Reflect All That Is Wrong With Dominant Media
The shallowness of the debates is designed to serve the financial interests of Big Media and its wealthy patrons.

Is the DNC Using Arbitrary Criteria to Exclude Mike Gravel From Debates?
Gravel has been excluded while other candidates who failed to reach donor thresholds will debate next week.

Activists Confront 2020 Candidates in Iowa About Drones and War
Killer drones are deployed daily in eight nations where U.S. corporations are vying for control of resources.

Remember 2016? Don’t Put Your Faith in Political Polls.
Recent polls regarding “the Squad” underscore deep problems with the way polling is conducted.

Lawyers Bankroll 2020 Democrats With Millions in Campaign Cash
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris lead their primary opponents in contributions from lawyers or law firms so far this cycle.