The Solutions column was created to take Dina Rasor's 30-year knowledge of why the government wasn't working and, slice by slice, come up with realistic solutions to fix long-term problems.
Defense Budget Flip: Dick Armey – Cut the Budget, Obama – Slow the Increase
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Every once in a while, the normal assumptions and labeling of politicians gets shook up when one of them steps out of …
Self-Dealing: Even Ex-Federal Watchdogs Are Doing It
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Several years ago, I pushed for a revival of the old “Truman Committee” in the US Congress to look at war fraud …
The Pentagon’s Biggest Overrun: Way Too Many Generals
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will lay out a plan today to cut the Pentagon's budget as required by the White House and …
TV Analysts’ Collusion With the Military: Disgraceful but Legal?
(Photo: james_gordon_los_angeles / Flickr) I wasn’t going to look at the news on Christmas Day. I had just had successfully prepared a Christmas Eve dinner for my …
Would You Blow the Whistle? Many Say Yes, but Perils Abound
(Image: JR / Truthout) Would you do it? If you knew your employer was defrauding the public or the government, would you go outside the company to stop …
F-35 Fighter Is Latest in Long Line of Wasteful Weapon Failures
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) “First, it is too early to tell, second, it is too late to do anything about it.” -Ernest Fitzgerald
Don’t Embarrass My Moneyed Friends! As Fundraising for Congress Goes Up, Hearings Go Down
Herbert J. Miller Jr., standing, at the Senate Watergate hearings with his client, Richard Moore, in 1973. (Photo: Mike Lien / The New York Times) For people …
The Pentagon Flunks Another Audit
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) The military-industrial complex is in high alert. They can't really believe that the Obama administration will keep its word and veto any …
Panic in the Pentagon: Can’t Pass Weapons Testing? Army Chief Says to Get Rid of It
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) The Department of Defense (DoD) contractors and their followers in the Pentagon are in a panic. The first set of proposed cuts …
“Should Cost” vs. “Did Cost”: How the Military-Industrial Complex Swindles Billions of Our Dollars
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Changing the way we price weapons could cut billions, but will the entrenched Department of Defense bureaucracy allow it? "Forget …