Movement Memos
Kelly Hayes connects with activists, journalists and others on the front lines in this Truthout podcast.
A COVID Memorial Mixtape Revisited
In this throwback episode, we revisit a moment of indignation and remembrance.
Health Care Workers Sound Off About Solidarity and Why They’re Ready to Strike
“We are kind of at this breaking point. We're at this cusp,” says health care worker Hannah Winchester.
Rikers Island and the Shapeshifting Monster of Reform
“We’re talking about a hostage situation and the answer is to free the hostages,” says Kelly Hayes.
From Burnout to Breakthroughs, Weary Organizers Can Come Back Stronger
How can we build our way back from pandemic exhaustion?
Trump Is Gone, But the US Is Still Putting Migrants Through Hell
It is the tyranny of normalcy that allows our government to perpetrate atrocities.
Laughing at Mass Death Brings Us Closer to Fascism
The recreational dehumanization of people who are dying of COVID-19 harms us all.
To Fight the GOP’s Radicalized Base, We Have to Push Left
The right’s culture war has an astronomical body count.
Ten Years After Occupy Wall Street, Another World Is Still Possible
Occupy helped us imagine a world beyond capitalism.
The Fight Against Fascism Isn’t Over
“We're talking about a heavily armed populace that's self traumatizing through its own mythology,” says Shane Burley.
Getting Real About Prisons and Why They Don’t Make Us Safer
“None of us are safe, so long as safety is mythologized on these terms,” says Kelly Hayes.