Gas Rush: Fracking in Depth
As fracking spreads across the country, Truthout chronicles earthquakes, blowouts, political battles and a swelling grassroots opposition. Gas drilling is quickly changing the landscape in Washington and our own backyards, and it's time to hold the government and industry accountable.
Sand Land: Fracking Industry Mining Iowa’s Iconic Sand Bluffs in New Form of Mountaintop Removal
The landscape is an issue that tugs on the heartstrings of locals, yet it's just one concern on a long list of objections.
Mexico Lacks Water to Frack for Shale Gas
Mexico plans to expand shale gas exploration this year, but it could run into a shortage of water, which is essential to fracking.
Injection Well Linked to Destructive Earthquake in Oklahoma, Raising New Fracking Fears
Geologists are reporting an uptick in minor earthquakes across the country linked to fracking.
Gas Industry Report Calls Anti-Fracking Movement a “Highly Effective Campaign“
The report assembles a wealth of information about fracking and the movement against it.
Thousands of Gallons of Pollution Recovered From Oil and Gas Spill in Colorado
Cleanup continues at the site of an underground spill of thousands of gallons of pollution related to the oil and gas industry in the heart of Colorado's fracking country.
Ohio Fracking CEO Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Toxic Waste-Dumping Case
Fracking chemicals found in Ohio waters.
How Can Obama Tackle Climate Change in His Second Term?
The EPA wants to cap carbon emissions from new power plants despite industry pushback.
Former Oil Executive, Doctors and Scientists Urge Obama to Wait on Fracking Exports Plan
For the first time ever, the US has the ability to become a major exporter of natural gas, courtesy of the fracking boom.
Regulators Under Fire for Keeping Fracking Pollution Test Results Under Wraps
Residents are losing sleep - and more - in the shadow of the fracking rigs.
Bayou Frack-Out: The Massive Oil and Gas Disaster You’ve Never Heard Of
Amid shaking earth, collapsing ground and toxic air and water, residents wonder if they can ever go home.