Reproductive Rights

West Virginia AG Continues Quest for Abortion Restrictions, Despite Lack of Evidence
We know that their end goal is to outlaw all abortion.

One Man’s Advice for Texas Republicans: Have Babies, Make More GOP Voters!
Texas Republicans worry that the rising number of Latinos could turn the state from a solid red to purple, or even blue.

House Bill 2 Passes Texas House as Abortion Rights Coalition Prepares for Senate
It will soon become clear whether activists and Democrats can win out against Texas Republicans willing to break procedural rules in order to pass the legislation.

Pro-Choice Activists Flood Texas Capitol in Round Two of Abortion Overhaul Battle
The anti-abortion bill that fell to Wendy Davis's filibuster last week heads to House floor.

Stupidest Budget Cuts Ever – or, Why Cutting Contraception Is Not Conservative
The sequester's 86 million dollars in cuts to family planning is especially stupid when we already have the tools to make most unintended pregnancy and abortion obsolete.

New Study Shows Anti-Choice Policies Leading to Widespread Arrests of and Forced Interventions on Pregnant Women
A new report published by the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law reveals repeated instances of forced legal intervention that violates women's bodies in cases of pregnancy.

Abortion as a Blessing, Grace, or Gift: Changing the Conversation about Reproductive Rights and Moral Values
Valerie Tarico discusses changing the conversation of reproductive rights by introducing a moral and spiritual imperative for the protection of a woman's right to choose.

Why Dark Money in Politics Is Bad for Women
Supporting modest reform like the DISCLOSE Act would, in normal times, be an easy political win for Republicans.

The Bishops’ Politics: Why Are Women’s Health and Lives Subject to the Catholic Lobby?
The Catholic Church as represented by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops directly influences American politics.