LGBTQ Rights

4th Circuit Rules Against States Discriminating Against Trans Patients
Arguments about “costs” being too burdensome were soundly rejected by the court.

Biden Administration Strengthens Health Care Protections for LGBTQ People
“Today’s rule is a giant step forward for this country toward a more equitable and inclusive health care system.”

4 States Tell Schools to Ignore New Title IX Rules That Protect LGBTQ Students
The challenges could set up a federal showdown that might end up in a protracted court battle ahead of the elections.

93% of Trans Teens Live in States That Have Proposed or Passed Anti-Trans Laws
Research shows that debates around anti-transgender laws negatively impact trans youth’s mental wellbeing.

Despite Violent Threats, Maine Signs Trans and Abortion Sanctuary Bill Into Law
It codifies gender-affirming and reproductive care as legal rights and offers protection from out-of-state prosecution.

Ohio Attorney General Asks Court to Restrict Judge’s Pause on Anti-Trans Law
However, AG David Yost had no issues with the “court's authority” when it issued an injunction against gun ordinances.

More Than 20 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Die in Iowa as Legislature Adjourns
The state has been the site of fierce resistance to anti-LGBTQ+ legislation this year.

Meet the Teenager Challenging Iowa’s Anti-LGBTQ Legislation
Iowa teen Puck Carlson is pushing back against Iowa legislators’ attack on LGBTQ youth through activism and a lawsuit.

Transgender Teen in WV Can Play on Track Team, Federal Appeals Court Says
“This is a massive victory for trans rights,” LGBTQ legislative researcher Allison Chapman told Truthout.

Report: GOP State AGs Abused Authority to Get Trans Patients’ Health Records
Committee Chair Ron Wyden chided Vanderbilt University Medical Center for its “utter betrayal” of transgender patients.