Op-Ed | Environment & Health Better Forest Management Won’t End Wildfires, But It Can Reduce the Risks Fire management must recognize the growing risk and unprecedented conditions while fostering collaboration. By Courtney Schultz & Cassandra Moseley , TheConversation November 24, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Google Searches Reveal Public Interest in Conservation Is Rising The rise of interest in climate change and global warming, according to Google searches, began in 2007. By Shreya Dasgupta , Mongabay November 24, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Climate Change Is Threatening Many Species, But One Is Getting a Boost Warmer temperatures may be helping one species of butterfly, but many others are seriously threatened. By Lucy Goodchild van Hilten , Truthout November 24, 2018 Truthout
Cartoon | Environment & Health Fiddling While California Burns Donald Trump is fanning the flames of climate denial. By Khalil Bendib , OtherWords November 23, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health White House Plans to Dump Major Climate Report on Black Friday Environmental advocates are criticizing the Trump administration's timing of the release of the major climate report. By Andrea Germanos , CommonDreams November 23, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Paradise Lost: Wildfire Chases Seniors From Retirement Havens to Field Hospital The Camp Fire, the deadliest in the state's history, took ruthless aim at older people. By Brian Rinker , KaiserHealthNews November 22, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health Take a Moment to Thank Your Food Gratitude for what feeds us opens us to awe and beauty. By Kathryn Lafond , Yes!Magazine November 22, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health Insurance Industry Readies Propaganda Blitz as Medicare for All Gains Traction Private insurers and Big Pharma are not giving up their immensely profitable hold on the health care system. By Jake Johnson , CommonDreams November 21, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health In Throes of Turkey Salmonella Outbreak, Don’t Invite Illness to Your Table There is no US requirement that turkeys or other poultry be free of salmonella. By JoNel Aleccia , KaiserHealthNews November 21, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health Crowdfunding Is a Symptom of the US’s Broken Health Care System The idea that individuals should make decisions about who does and doesn't deserve care has been normalized. By s.e. smith , TalkPoverty.org November 21, 2018 Truthout