Environment & Health

Pope Francis Proposes Adding “Ecological Sin” to Church Teachings
The Catholic Church appears poised to add crimes against nature and the environment to its catechism.

Amid Blackout, a California Tribal Village Kept Lights On With Solar Energy
Energy leadership is coming from Native people.

Oil and Gas Emissions Have Increased Under California’s Cap and Trade Program
Experts are increasingly worried cap and trade is allowing California's biggest polluters to conduct business as usual.

Toyota and GM Sided With Trump’s Clean Car Rollbacks to Preserve Profits
Several automakers mention in recent financial forms that less-efficient vehicles are critical for their bottom line.

In 2039, How Will the US Military Fight a Climate Crisis Reality?
Top U.S. security officials will be forced to address the threat of climate catastrophe very soon.

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Unveil “Green New Deal for Public Housing”
The act could retrofit over 1 million public housing units and create over 240,000 jobs per year across the U.S.

Voters Say Congress Needs to Curb Drug Prices. Are Lawmakers Listening?
The odds look grim for Congress to pass significant drug pricing legislation this year.

Democrats Back Down From Battle With Defense Department Over PFAS
People are dying from deadly chemicals as elected officials skirt the issue.

Global Inaction on Climate Change Could Wipe Out Emperor Penguins
Emperor penguins could virtually disappear by 2100 due to loss of Antarctic sea ice.

Catastrophic Wildfires Threaten Sydney, Australia, as Government Backs Coal
A new report finds that Australia’s emissions are increasing and there's no plan to rein them in.