Economy & Labor Economic Update: Poverty and the US Economy This episode provides updates on the US economy, and more. By Richard D. Wolff , Truthout April 29, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor California’s $15-an-Hour Win Alex Schmaus explains the background to the recent $15 minimum wage victory in California. By Alex Schmaus , SocialistWorker April 25, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor “Nestlé Is Trying to Break Us”: A Pennsylvania Town Fights Predatory Water Extraction Pennsylvania residents are fighting Nestle's attempts to construct a water extraction operation in their community — and winning. By Alexis Bonogofsky , Truthout April 25, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Redefining What’s Possible for Labor Our best weapon to combat wealth inequality remains a strong union contract, but innovative direct action is also needed. By Erica Smiley , April 25, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Studies Show Austerity Policies Exacerbate US Suicide Epidemic Numerous studies have found a strong connection between right-wing economic policies and suicide. By The Daily Take Team , TheThomHartmannProgram April 25, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor On the Line With Verizon Strikers Verizon workers walked off the job and took to the streets April 13, beginning the largest US strike in half a decade. By Dan DiMaggio , LaborNotes April 24, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Why Conservatives’ Plans for Pregnancy 401(k)s Fall Short The Independent Women's Forum is counting on a magical change in corporate and philanthropic behavior to pay for parental leave. By Brendan Duke & Alex Rowell , April 24, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Three Reasons Why “Too-Big-to-Fail” Banks Need to Be Broken Up Major banks are too risky and too politically powerful to be held accountable. By Deena Zaidi , Truthout April 23, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Dodd-Frank Rule on Risky Bonuses Finally Proposed Multiple agencies are set to act in concert to force the largest financial institutions to defer executive bonuses for four years. By Sam Knight , TheDistrictSentinel April 22, 2016 Truthout
Economy & Labor Economic Update: The Market Rules of Gentrification This episode provides updates on tax evasion, and more. By Richard D. Wolff , Truthout April 22, 2016 Truthout