Economy & Labor

Stark New Evidence on How Money Shapes US Elections
Oversights of two generations of social scientists have weakened democracy.

Thousands Moving Money to Black-Owned Banks
The latest response to discrimination and police brutality is renewed calls to #BankBlack and bring economic empowerment to struggling communities.

Trump Trade Position Is Opposite of What People Think It Is
Donald Trump wants to run the United States like a business.

A Modest Proposal for Solving Pentagon Control and Bloat: Tax Transparency
Want to know how much of your taxes go toward bloat and endless wars? Pay the Pentagon directly via your 1040.

Economic Update: The Economics of Worker Co-ops
This episode discusses Macy's closing 141 stores, and more.

Utilities Are Lobbying Against the Expansion of Rooftop Solar
Utilities are lobbying against the expansion of rooftop solar, and that's no good for anyone.

A Radical Plan for an Economy That Makes Black Lives Matter
Seeking to take on all of the threats to Black lives, the Movement For Black Lives is creating a banner for the Black working class fight.

Ecuador Foreign Minister: $3 Billion in Tax Havens Could Fund Earthquake Reconstruction
Ecuador's President recently announced a national referendum that would bar any politician from having assets in tax havens.

Corporate Sponsorships of Olympics Make Political Investments Look Like a Very Good Deal
If you thought there was a lot of corporate money in politics, you haven't seen the cash that sponsors the US Olympic games.

When Systems Crumble: Looking Beyond Global Capitalism
Is the employee-employer relationship of capitalism crumbling, just like feudalism did before?