News | Economy & Labor US Workers Who Make BPA Have Enormous Loads of It in Their Bodies Some workers who make or work with the endocrine-disrupting chemical have levels 1,000 times higher than the general public, a federal study found. By Brian Bienkowski , EnvironmentalHealthNews January 14, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Wall Street’s Win-Win With Trump Most Wall Street bigwigs sided with Hillary Clinton in 2016 but now have adroitly shifted affections to Donald Trump. By Mike Lofgren , ConsortiumNews January 14, 2017 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Elizabeth Warren Promotes Banking Rights for Marijuana Industry Warren is pushing to create a framework that would allow marijuana-based businesses to access the banking system. By s. e. smith , Care2 January 13, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Billionaires Celebrate Their Own Social Security Freedom Day Tax Freedom Day is an anti-government propaganda gimmick where the billionaire class suggests we stop “working for the government.” By Dave Johnson , CampaignforAmerica'sFuture January 11, 2017 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor ALEC “Pay to Play” on Display in Washington, DC Watch for these initiatives coming to ALEC-controlled statehouses in the form of model bills and resolutions. By Steve Arnold , PRWatch January 11, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Oregon’s Higher Education Funding Woes Continue Unabated public universities in Oregon must still confront their budget prospects and the impacts on the students they serve. By Ramin Farahmandpur , Speakout January 11, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Inside the Coal Industry’s Rhetorical Playbook Analysts agree that the major front in the “war on coal” lies within the market itself. By Steve Schwarze , Jennifer Peeples , Jen Schneider , Pete Bsumek , TheConversation January 10, 2017 Truthout
Photo Essay | Economy & Labor No Al Gasolinazo Protesters Block Train Near US-Mexico Border in Nogales, Sonora The Mexican government issued a 20 percent increase in gas prices, and protests quickly erupted all over Mexico. By Ankur Singh , Speakout January 10, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Koch Astroturf Army Cheers Union Busting in Kentucky The effort in Kentucky follows a playbook utilized by Team Koch in Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and West Virginia. By Mary Bottari , PRWatch January 8, 2017 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Labor Opponents Already Have the Next “Friedrichs” SCOTUS Case Ready to Go Under Trump The Supreme Court gave unions an unexpected victory last year, but that win may be short-lived. By Moshe Z. Marvit , InTheseTimes January 7, 2017 Truthout