Killer Drones Are a Lethal Extension of American Exceptionalism
By the time Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize award one year into his presidency, he had ordered more drone strikes than George W. Bush had authorized during his …
When Soldiers Say No to War
This year we mark the 100th anniversary of the Christmas Truce.
The War to Start All Wars: The 25th Anniversary of the Forgotten Invasion of Panama
George H.W. Bush's invasion of a small, poor country 25 years ago inaugurated the age of preemptive unilateralism.
Rory Fanning: “We Have to Make It Cool to Be a War Resister Again“
Rory Fanning spoke to Truthout about his aims in writing the book, the meaning of Pat Tillman, how to engage with war resisters in the military, and more.
The Invasion of Panama and the Proclamation of a Lone Superpower Above the Law
The US military aggression in Panama showed it was free to do whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted.
How I Helped Catch an Alleged 9/11 Mastermind – and Lost My Faith in the War on Terror
In this book excerpt, the author describes his journey from idealistic recruit to conscientious objector.
US War Debt Is Over $2 Trillion, Obama Wants to Spend More, but Is That the Answer?
Every tank, round of munition, boot on the ground, drone, vehicle and death fails to justify two wars fought for too long with too much borrowed money.
Why No One Remembers the Peacemakers: Celebrating War Over and Over
Given the rarity of peace celebrations of any sort, what's made the Christmas Truce safe for royalty, mayors and diplomats?
Party On! The War Party Ascendant
Congratulations are in order for the War Party.
Noam Chomsky | A Genuine Movement for Social Change
Intellectuals must be prepared to face repression and to act in defense of the values they profess.