Human Rights
AT&T Tech Blew the Whistle on NSA Spying – in 2006
Jenny Brown interviews Mark Klein, an AT&T technician who blew the whistle on the NSA in 2006.
Snowden Honored by Ex-Intel Officials
Edward Snowden, an ex-contractor for the National Security Agency, has been named recipient of this yearu2019s award for truth-telling given by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, the …
Is Greece’s Child Labor Crisis Getting Out of Hand?
The rise in illegal child labor is occurring at a time when Greeks have faced record-high levels of unemployment.
The Snowden Accompaniment Flytilla to Political Asylum in Venezuela
By offering Edward Snowden asylum, Venezuela President Maduro has invited Americans to live in a new world in which the US government's power is limited; a
Remembering The Movement? A Question for the National Civil Rights Museum
How do we teach the Movement? The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis asserts in its name its claim to offer an exemplary, nationally significant model.
Harvest of Empire, Part 2
On part two of the ‘Harvest of Empire’ series, Democracy Now!u2019s Juan Gonzalez traces the history of Nicaraguan and Salvadoran migration to the United States.
Want to Reduce the National Debt? Find More Workers
The fiscal costs of immigration reform is analyzed.
We Can Handle the Truth
In order to truly participate in our Democracy, the US government must be truthful with its citizens.
Migrant Workers’ Bitter Fruit
Dr. Seth M. Holms not only observed the plight of farm workers as they traveled to the US, but lived it
Trayvon Martin, Witness John Good, and America
I know the White Man Has Spoken and that the trial is pretty much over since what he said he saw, as the media have been loudly reminding us, …