Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation (2)
An Iranian news agency reports that a fourth Iranian nuclear scientist has been assassinated along with his driver. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was a professor specializing in petroleum engineering at a technical …
Calling Out Telecom USA
(Photo: CrazySphinx) My father got a bill Saturday from Telecom USA for $68.65 for three collect calls - 3 minutes, 2 minutes and 2 minutes - on …
Bill Moyers: Lessons on Democracy From Woody Guthrie
With a center being built in Tulsa devoted to the work of Woody Guthrie, Bill looks back at the singer-songwriter’s life and work, finding many points of irony and …
Ex-FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on Media Consolidation, Broadband Expansion, Threats to Journalism
Juan Gonzalez: The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday testing the constitutionality of a Bush-era regulation that allows the Federal Communications Commission to levy stiff fines on broadcasters for the …
Letter to New York State Senator Thomas Libous
Dear Senator Libous: I am writing today, and sending a copy of this letter to both the Albany and Binghamton offices, because I have called and left messages …
Letter to Friends and Neighbors
“With hydrofracking, a well can produce over a million gallons of wastewater that is often laced with highly corrosive salts, carcinogens like benzene, and radioactive elements like radium, all …
Why Now? What’s Next? Naomi Klein and Yotam Marom in Conversation About Occupy Wall Street
Protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement in Zuccotti Park in New York, November 15, 2011. (Photo: Marcus Yam / The New York Times) Naomi Klein: One …
In the Clearing Stands a Boxer: One Man’s Fight Against Fracking
What can an individual do to stand up against systemic injustice?
NDAA Military Detention of US Citizens Breaks Through to Major Media – Not American One, the BBC
Breaking the major broadcast news media's blackout on the most radical elimination of American rights in U.S. history, Professor of Law Jonathan Turley speaks to BBC on the National …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Number of American Voters Identifying as Independents Hits Highest Mark in 60 Years, and More
In today's On the News segment: Tensions continue to rise between the US and Iran, a new IRS report shows American citizens and businesses cheated the US government out …