
Dean Baker | Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It
Maybe we can get the government to stop subsidizing the high salaries of the people who have pointless conferences on reducing inequality.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: New Rule Change in the House Centers on Failed Policies of Reaganomics, and More
In today's On the News segment: Republicans know that trickle-down economics is no longer an easy sell, so they've wrapped up those bad policies into a new package, and …

Black Wealth Matters
For generations, white households have enjoyed far greater access to wealth and security than their black counterparts.

Why Are We Afraid of Naming and Confronting Capitalism?
Why is it that many of us will openly and forcefully critique “classism” but enthusiastically shy away from condemning capitalism in the same way?

Greg Palast: Greece Is a Crime Scene, and Vulture Funds Are to Blame
Investigative reporter Greg Palast discusses “vulture funds,” the eurozone and alternative solutions for Greece's economy.

Welcome to the European Hunger Games, Brought to You by Mainstream Economics
As a virulent strain of austerity capitalism takes over Europe, leaving shattered lives in its shadow, these researchers consider how things got so bad.

Economic Update: Real vs. Fakenomics
This week's episode provides updates on rising health insurance costs, rebel economists and more.

The Recovery Gains Momentum
Of course, you can count on hearing, any minute now, people claiming that the numbers are cooked.

Galt and God: The Courtship Between Ayn Randians and Right-Wing Christians
An odd collaboration between Ayn Rand disciples and Christian rightists seems to signal further cohesion on the Tea Party right.

Hope for Jobs, Prepare for Recession in 2015
The economy is booming. So where are the jobs?