Guantanamo Is Still Open: Obama’s Unfinished Human Rights Agenda
One year ago today, President Barack Obama promised to close the Guantanamo detention camp, as soon as possible and in “no later than 1 year.” Guantanamo is still open. …
Will the Citizens United Ruling Let Hugo Chavez and King Abdullah Buy US Elections?
Supreme Court ruling may open door to foreign state-owned corporate political spending. While political observers have dissected much of yesterday’s 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. …
Defense Secretary Robert Gates Confirms Blackwater in Pakistan
In an interview with the Pakistani TV station Express TV, Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed that the private security firms Blackwater and DynCorp are operating inside Pakistan. “They’re operating …
Obama Proposes Tough New Restrictions for Nation’s Top Banks
On the heels of a stinging defeat in the Massachusetts Senatorial race that dealt a major blow to passage of health care legislation, President Obama abruptly pivoted yesterday to …
Social Media and the Caste System in India
Ancient, meet the modern. How are India's complex social interactions playing out across social media? Mumbai, India - A man who goes by “hemant” types out a question: "Are …
Clinton Bluntly Condemns China on Internet Censorship
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered blunt condemnation of strict Internet censorship in China and pledged to help Chinese citizens jump the “Great Fire Wall.” Beijing - Hillary Clinton’s …
Prolonged Deployment Associated With More Mental Health Problems Among Army Wives
Prolonged deployment was associated with more mental health diagnoses among US Army wives, according to a recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. For the study, …
Court Rules Ex-Guantanamo Prosecutor Likely Fired for Speaking Out About Military Commissions
In a final blow to the decision by the Library of Congress to fire the former Guantanamo prosecutor Col. Morris Davis, the 20th Federal Court has ruled Wednesday that …
Who’s Activist Now? The Roberts Court
Washington - The Supreme Court's decision Thursday to lift long-standing limits on corporate campaign spending exalts free speech above fears about political corruption. The 5-4 ruling exposes how the …
Will Democrats Heed Call From Left, Unions for Populist Agenda?
From union leaders like the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka to progressive advocates at the Campaign for America's Future, the lessons from the Massachusetts shellacking are crystal clear: the need to …