
Compassion: The New Wonder Drug
New research suggests compassion helps buffer women against the physical consequences of emotional stress. Maybe the Dalai Lama is on to something. Compassion helps buffer women against the physical …

OSHA: Safety Violations at BP’s US Refineries Endanger Employees’ Lives
British Petroleum's (BP) troubles are not just limited to its Gulf of Mexico operations, where a deadly blast aboard a drilling rig two weeks ago ruptured an oil well …

Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: Consigning Soldiers to Oblivion

Why Iran Won’t Attack Israel
Palestinians are in Israel today because they managed to survive the depopulation of 1948, the year the Jewish state was founded (Arabs constitute about 20 percent of Israel's population). …

The Ten Worst Man-Made Environmental Disasters
As oil threatens the Gulf Coast, a list of 10 other disasters both forgotten and infamous, from the Dust Bowl to Bhopal. New York - The oil slick in …

Worse Than 1789?
Sen. Carl Levin pretty much had Goldman Sach's (GS) Lloyd Blankfein dead in a casket with that now-notorious email from GS's head of sales and trading, Tom Montag, describing …

Campaign Contribution Records Are Open, but Hardly Transparent
In January, the United States Supreme Court overturned limits on corporate election spending, basing its decision, in part, on the assertion that campaign finance records are more open and …

E.J. Dionne Jr. | Tory Lessons for Republicans
Washington - “There's something else you need to know about me,” declared the earnest young politician, "which is I believe the test of a good and strong society is …

History’s Mad Hatters: The Strange Career of Tea Party Populism
On a winter's day in Boston in 1773, a rally of thousands at Faneuil Hall to protest a new British colonial tax levied on tea turned into an iconic …

Taking On Disgusting Politics
In his 1993 treatise “Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do,” Paul Cameron, the firebrand founder of the anti-gay Family Research Institute, revealed the “horror story” of “fecal sex.” Cameron …